Kite spot in Turkey - Gokova

Метеостанция - Обучение кайтсёрфингу - Аренда снаряжения - Услуги станции

Akyaka is a small village at the south-west of Turkey, It stays at the side of the Gokova Gulf. Akyaka is very different from the main touristic places of Turkey even it is quite close to the famous Marmaris.  This village has a unique nature and traditions in architecture. It is a part of the International Union Slow City. 

{посёлок является часть международного движения Медленный город, сохраняет свои традиции и культуру, противостоит глобализации и усреднению, ответственно подходит к защите окружающей среды, снижению количества транспорта и шума. Так, в городе отсутствуют торговые центры, крупные отели, сетевые рестораны, а все постройки обязаны придерживаться одного архитектурного стиля.}

Kite spot and kite beach are outside of Akyaka. There is a big sand beach without any dangerous subjects such as corals, sea earches or stones. The bottom of the kite bay is clear sand so you do not need any protection for your feet. There are developed infrastructure  on the kite beach of Gokova/Akyaka. You can find here car parking area, restaurant, bar, toilets, showers. Our school providing also everything for your comfortable staying , kiting and kite lessons: storage, showers, changing rooms, shadow chill zone, compressor lines, meteostation. Big shallow lagoon divided into two parts by the big mall. One of the parts is a teaching zone, second is less busy and used by advance riders. 

Thermal wind with Venturi effect.

Gokova kite spot is famous of it's thermal wind. It has onshore direction. This wind created by the different in the temperature of the land surface and sea. This wind has almost no gusts, very stable and consistent. Do not get afraid of the missing forecast for this place. If there is no rains coming with the heavy clouds you will get garanted every day wind!  Wind starts from 11 am and usually blowing till 6-7 pm.  Most popular kite sizes are 9-12m. There is flat and shallow water in front of the beach lasts till 200-250 meter and after getting deeper. Tides almost absent  here in Gokova as in all Mediterranian sea. 

Kite station PROKITE.CLUB is a part of Kite Discovery

Our station stays on the kite beach close to Akyaka, so it is easy to reach it by foot or to come by car and leave it at the free car parking.

услуг кайт-станции, обучение, прокат оборудования


Турция - великолепная страна с богатой природой и историей. Прекрасные дороги и отличная инфраструктура позволяют легко путешествовать по стране в перерывах между кайтсёрфингом. Акьяка откроет совершенно другую Турцию, без огромных all inclusive отелей, пакетных туристов, сомнительных торговцев и прочей не всегда приятной жизни курортных городов.

Акьяка предлагает отличные недорогие рестораны с потрясающей местной и средиземноморской кухней, приятные ночные бары, пляжи и парки. В окрестностях расположено множество природных и культурных объектов.


Turkish currency is a turkish lira (TL)  (check current exchange rate >>). There are many ATM  around and you can easily pay by credit cards in every restaurant or shop. 


Turkey is very open country. It offers 30 days visa-off stay period for most of the countries. But please check visa conditions for your country by yourself. If you want to stay more then 30 day period than you can leave Turkey for 1 day and come back again. From Marmaris you can go to Rhodes for just 40 minutes.